Tuesday, October 2, 2012

perfectly {imperfect}

Love at first sight...

Some would look at this table 
and see junk...

I saw it as a desk 
positioned perfectly 
in the center of a cozy  little office
{for me!}
with a white and burlap french chair 
pulled up to it, ready for business.
One wall, a black chalkboard,
and the other walls washed in an aged 
gray and taupe chippy patina...
The back wall would house the vintage hutch
that I've admired for years at my sister's house.
{that she asked if I wanted since she was moving}
After the hutch's treatment of a color change,
{it's red, like but not love}
it will hold books and 'ingredients' 
for further inspiration.
Burlap curtains to shield unsightly supplies
on the existing shelves,
a warm fuzzy rug,
{I have the perfect one in storage!}
and to top it all off,
a chandelier.
Can't wait!
I am surprised at my own giddiness over 
this little project and have realized...
I've never had
 my own room.
Except for the nursery at the hospital...
likely not even then.
{It was a very, very small town}

This adorable table was just collecting dust
over in the quiet corner 
of an abandoned little shack
on my father's farm.

Instant {imperfectly} perfect inspiration.

Usually, when I do projects like this
I just dive in and get it done.
Then think 
"I should have taken before pictures."
This time I am.
I'll post them when I'm finished.
I'll be back.

{Clara's Pathway}
Photo taken at the end of our street.

Hope you can 
get out and enjoy 
this beautiful time of year!


Friday, June 29, 2012

un adorned

{un adorned}

Grey, gray, greige.

Some think of this color as drab.
Like a day void of sunshine.
Plain and blah.

Not me!
I love grey.
I'm not grey.
And I'm certainly not neutral. {convictions}
But I am intrigued with this color's
low profile and ability to bring ease to a room.

Take a look for yourself.
I have a family room that is needing a fresh outlook.
 Maybe something simple.
 And unadorned.
 Primitive and relaxed. 
{currently red. not so calm}
 And I heard that there is a huge sale at Sherwin Williams through the 8th of July... Hmmm.
 And I have a teenager who owes me household tasks as payback for the HUGE fee 
that our cell phone company charged us, even with insurance,
 to get her a replacement phone after hers got wet while volunteering at Vacation Bible School. :]
 I'd better get going. Un adorned is awaiting.
 {images Anthropology}. love. 


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

pure vintage

Vintage by Nina

is the ultimate sophistication.
Albert Einstein 

 In thinking about these words
 of Mr. Einstein this morning,
I thought I'd take a minute and simply post the quote 
with a fittingly proper photograph.
A quick post and then move on with the morning, right?
In my search though, I came across a beautiful book 
that was being promoted in a recent giveaway
and want to take a minute and show you a few pages.

Vintage by Nina











Ahhh... love!

{Here's a map to her place:} myshabbystreamsidestudio.blogspot.com
has all the information that you need
to find out more about this resource from Sweden.

Have a beautiful week!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

{simple joys}

{Simple Joys}

I ran acrossed this photo
the other day
and finding it was like a mega-dose of
good medicine.
I could just sit and stare.
Such sweet joy on her face.

This little peanut
is now a junior in highschool!

I was gathering photos
because I was asked to teach
  100 little girls
about how they they were
 made special.
So FuN!

{sneek peek}
If your father is a real King
that makes you a real princess.
"God is the King of all the earth."
Psalm 47:7

While teaching the lesson
I got to read to them 
Psalm 139
"...all the days ordained for me
were written in your book
 before one of them came to be."

Love that.

In this crazy world
it is reassuring to this
mother's heart
to know that
Someone is always there.

What little things are bringing you joy?

Xo deborah 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

confessions of a paint-a-holic...

Today I was scrolling through
'A Bowl Full of Lemons' blog
{great info by the way}
and saw that in a recent post there was
 one of those link parties going on.
I noticed one entry called
"Who paints this?"

They asked readers to not think of them
as crazy.

Then these two creative women explained
that the hot pink sofa was a prop
for a daughters birthday party.
{they admitted that it's stiff and crunchy}

They asked the question

"who paints this?"

Here's the confession:
And I answered
"I did."


I did.
I painted my sofa and love seat!

A soft creamy, leather like white.

Before you think I'm crazy
{maybe I am!}
and click out of this post,
please give me a second to explain:
We have 6 often messy kids.
We have 2 hairy drooling dogs.
We have 1 perfect cat.
And we feed our local high school's
varsity football team
{largest school in the state}
messy, drippy, Italian feasts weekly 
all season long.
{usually around 12 weeks with play-offs}
And there are about 65 guys
plus parent volunteers.
That's 780+ plates of food
consumed in the dining room, family rec room,
living room, den, back deck,
screened in area under deck
every fall.

{That's crazy!}

We have a sofa and love seat
that was covered in a
celery green micro suede.
I loved it when it was clean.
But several years later
it was getting harder and harder
to get clean.

"Maybe I'll just donate the furniture
and start over."
But that didn't make any sense:
*The kids aren't grown
*The football team was returning
for a new season.
*And my slip covers were tired.
Very tired.

Then an idea.

It came from my sister.
She painted a set of GW chairs
that she had in a
covered outdoor seating area.

She used a semi-gloss dark gray paint
and they looked like
vintage leather chairs!
Not crunchy or stiff.
Just leather-like.

My thought process:
I love the structure of the furniture.
It's the fabric that I have a problem with.
I could donate and $tart over...no.
What do I have to loose?

I got out my semi gloss white paint

I painted the loveseat
and hired one of our daughters
to paint the sofa.
She earned some cash.
No more cleaning furniture for hours for me.
We are all happy!

My 'confession.'

The pink couch is entry  #4
and my confession is #181
in the link party
over at
"A Bowl Full of Lemons."
Have a creative and happy weekend!
Xo deborah

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

for the love {like} of nature

{ good to know }

When I married my friend
23 years ago 
I thought I knew him
really well 
and I thought he knew me
the same.
And we have so much in common.

A few of our favorite things
to do together were:
go fishing
play tennis
play basketball
flag football
or just watch the sun set
as we had a picnic dinner
on a hill or by a lake.

Well, years later here we are
{at my prompting}
fishing at dusk,
{or so at least I was} 
the beautiful summer evening 
by the lake
 with several from our
little tribe of children
when I suddenly had an
'ah-ha' moment.
Here it is:

I LOVE the outdoors
during the summer
{and year round}
with camping, cookouts,
hikes, sunset watching, etc.
and my husband...


He likes to hunt
in the fall.
{there are no mosquitos} 
He loves to fish.
{when the mosquitos aren't biting}
And he is highly committed to
running and biking
especially in the afternoon
when the heat index is 112*.
{again, no mosquitos or flies that time of day}

But fishing by the lake at dusk...
Well, let's just say
 the Yard Guard 
wasn't doing it's job.

My kind and getting impatient
husband started stomping his feet
to get the mosquitos off.
{ 'Off' we used that, too}
He started to resemble a horse
in a stall stomping
and swatting at flies
with it's tail.

Guess I'd better get a
mosquito net...

xo deborah

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In quietness and in trust
shall be your strength -God

When I create space for quietness
it always amazes me what I hear
 in the absence of visual and auditory clutter.

xo Deborah

Saturday, May 14, 2011


{ Anna }

When our children were very young
I would sing them lullabies.

One of my favorites to sing
contained the words

"...Butterflies go up and down,
fluttering above the ground.
Butterflies soar through the sky.
Some day, baby, you will fly..."

Someone just got her driver's license.
She certainly seems to want to
exercise her wings 
even more now.

{ trust }

I'm always so surprised
at how fast 
a child's wings 

 It amazes me.



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. -Cummings

Laughing at myself today...

I saw a picture
of bingo cards
and it reminded me of a time
when I was very, very bored as a child.

Now, as a mom I don't allow the 
"I'm bored" whine at our house
and the consequences for saying those words results in
laundry folding, sparkling toilets, or an extra walk
for the dogs, etc.
But I wasn't a mom yet and I was bored
at bingo. 
Very, very bored.

I would have rather
scooped out the horse barns
or pulled all the weeds in the garden
{which I had to do anyway}
rather than sit in a hard metal folding chair

in a stuffy, very stuffy 
150 year old building downtown.

{LOOK I found a photo of the actual building!}
And just sit and wait
as gray haired women
looked at their cards
for N 43 or B 11....

I would ask mom for gum.
That lasted awhile.
"I have to go to the bathroom!"
Even kids can only use the restroom
just so much in public,
then it gets old.

"I'm hungry."
"Here, have more gum."

I had a way of creating my own entertainment
when I needed to.
Most parents and most adults call this
'getting into trouble'
but I called it creativity.
{at the time}
One of my first 'treasure hunting' trips
was in that building.
But I was not really supposed be wandering around
if you know what I mean.
My little brother and I just 'disappeared'
through an old creaky door and climbed up
an old dusty staircase into a very dark hallway.
We couldn't see anything
except for an old, very old portrait
of George Washington
hanging on the wall
in a huge gold frame

and dust,
lots and lots of dust.

{dust usually indicates treasures could be near}
{well, not always... my home has dust}

Wonder if that portrait is still there?
L.o.v.e. the mystery of treasure hunting.

Back to bingo...

While we sat and sat and sat 
in those hard bunchy chairs
and watched as the intensity would build
as each bingo-er anticipated that they
could be the next winner of
Mrs. Soandso's dozen fresh baked
cinnamon rolls
{instant carb diet}
or the prize of a free round of
more bingo!
{sounded more like a punishment to me}

I would hear a loud resounding
Then the whole room would moan in disappointment
{talk about poor sportsmanship!!!}  
And then they'd clear their cards
and start the routine all over again.

As the emotion in the room began to crescendo
 it happened.
I got a terrible, wonderful idea.

I waited until just the right time...
Everyone was staring with beady, glaring eyes
at their bingo cards 
and whole room was silent as they listened 
for their numbers to be called.

G 52...


O 73...

{I yelled  in my 'old lady' voice...}

Then the moaning "awwwww..."
and the sound of the cards being cleared.
I think I was the only one
in the whole room
that thought it was funny...

And I still think it's funny... :]

I have been writing this post sitting beside
my husband while he has had surgery to remove
skin cancer.
We have been here for 5 hours.
It was deeper than they thought.

We are off to the plastic surgeon now to rebuild. 

Laughter is good medicine~ God.
added note: we finished at the surgeon's office.
He will be back to his handsome and healthy self soon. :] 

xoxo deborah
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