100+ things I want to do well
- give grace
- be a nutritionally educated chef for my family
- take breaks and get away on a boat for a minute or two
- respect others who disagree
- ask in prayer continually for the need that I know of in my little world and in the big world
- see the heart not the behavior
- rejoice with those who are rejoicing
- comfort those who need comfort
- listen to a child speaking by looking them in the eyes on their level
- live free of the 'cancer' of resentment and bitterness by forgiving
- forgive even when and especially when they aren't sorry
- say 'I'm sorry' quickly when needed
- influence inspired living
- represent well
- master childlike faith
- stop trying so hard and let Him do it through me
- let go of what I need to
- grieve when I need to
- consider caring criticism
- hear the Quiet Still Voice
- shun negativity
- wear God's glasses to see like He sees
- live balanced
- keep boundaries and margins
- show compassion
- avoid grumbling
- avoid complaining
- invent
- repurpose
- upcycle
- recycle
- obey the laws of the land
- drive with manners
- avoid selfishness and narcissism
- avoid intimidation
- live 'marathon' not 'sprint'
- live in a state of perseverance
- be open for change thus often times progress
- take what I have and do my best with all I have
- treat all people the same whether rich or poor, famous or homeless...
- develop into a PHD of showing God's love
- pray for those who misunderstand or judge me
- value every human being, young or old, born or unborn, rich or poor, healthy or ill...
- value all social classes
- appreciate all ethnic groups
- keep on reading
- garden and harvest my own bounty
- avoid thinking I know much
- sow seeds of kindness and purity
- sow seeds of respect and honor
- show mercy (and I'll be shown mercy)
- be a pit bull when it come to hanging on to Love
- never give up
- live pointed toward the One with whom nothing is impossible
- give acceptance
- give attention
- live fearlessly
- listen at least twice as much as I speak
- enjoy cleaning and doing laundry
- cook
- sing
- dance
- forgive as I've been forgiven
- pray for my enemies
- love my enemies
- dream
- create
- rest
- 'be' where ever I am
- help others discover their unique strengths and talents
- discover my own strengths and talents
- make room for stillness
- testify of Love and all He is
- run some more
- read
- learn
- travel
- be a grace dispenser
- understand others by hearing their story
- avoid throwing 'rocks' of judgment at myself
- avoid throwing 'rocks' of judgment towards others
- always have room in my life for kindness toward strangers
- live a REAL life including flaws and failures but with tenacity to GET UP and keep going
- live a legacy of grace
- encourage others dreams
- wear an apron when baking and like it
- model forgiveness
- model faith, hope, and love
- model peace
- model joy
- treat my husband the way I want my future daughter in laws to treat my sons
- treat my husband the way I want my daughters to treat their husbands
- treat children the way I want others to treat my children
- treat teenagers the way I want others to treat my teenagers
- treat others the way I want to be treated
- kiss the faces of my children often
- hug my children much
- pray for those who won't
- hope for those who don't
- forgive deeply
- forgive quickly
- live simply
- hope always
- think BIG
- receive Love then give Love
- live inspired then inspire
- by an original
- share beauty from pain
- eat sushi by an ocean
- translate love
- choose wisely
- love generously
- speak kindly
- care deeply
- give generously
- speak love without words
- encourage
- run
- make a great pot roast
- be a good friend
- be kind