Showing posts with label through a child's eyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label through a child's eyes. Show all posts

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fresh Picked...

Fresh flowers for Mom
and it wasn't even Mother's Day
but this made it a mother's moment... 
and I've never had the heart to tell my children 
when they're young and innocent 
that those yellow flowers are actually pesty weeds. 
I love fresh picked weeds
when they are from a sweet, giving heart like this one...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Little Ladybug In The Bushes

Bulleted List A ladybug 
was sitting in the bushes. 
Just sitting there 
minding her own
little bug business 
when I went outside to visit on the phone with my step-mother.
I called her and asked for a 'Mom' moment... 
our oldest was off to year two of college,
our youngest was to enter kindergarten 
the next day,
my husband just had knee surgery
the day before and was 'down for the count' 
on pain medication......
and my season was changing whether I liked it or not 
and I just wasn't ready.

So, the ladybug. 
She sat on the same branch that our 'little birdie' was on.
Just sat there.
I thought of a vacation years ago that our family took to Pine Isle in Georgia
and the lady bug that seemed to follow us. 
Our daughters wanted to take their ladybug 'pets' with us and we knew that wouldn't work. The girls were very sad to leave their friends behind. 
So off we went to ride a shuttle to the airport and to our daughters surprise
a ladybug was on the window of the shuttle. 
Then on the outside of the window while watching planes at the airport,
in Atlanta on the outside of our 49th floor hotel window,
and at the pool and the resort beach!
Our daughter's ladybug friends seemed to follow us everywhere! 
And my husband and I would wink at each other and say
'Look! your ladybug pets followed us from home!'

I  had the thought that maybe these ladybugs 
were a reminder that
no matter where we go that God is with us.
He says "I will never leave you or forsake you'. 
There have been numerous times 
when things have been challenging 
and the view seems uncertain
  but there in the most unusual place 
will be a ladybug.
Just sitting there minding her own 
little bug business
or maybe she a 'bug on a mission'.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day Flight. happened

he woke up

he got dressed

he ate breakfast

he put on his nike shoes

and he jumped...from the nest right into the kindergarten taxi (driver- Mom)

and I pray, trust and sit in my white chair for a moment

Spread you wings and fly little one.

I'll be waiting to hear all about your adventure...

Monday, July 19, 2010

My little bird

It's funny how whenever one of our children are about to head off to the big world of kindergarten I seem to notice the little bird's nests around our yard...

In simple amazement I watch each phase of the little finch, robin, and cardinal families as they 'raise up' their little ones.

A few things that I notice:

* the male and female both work hard and work together to build a safe and secure little nest, just big enough for what they need
* after the eggs arrive, the happy couple very carefully keep these fragile little eggs warm and protected
* when the eggs finally hatch, it's teamwork again~ watching, gathering food, and guarding against unwelcomed visitors
* then flight school 101...

I love being the mother of our children. And I love having them with me in our nest... For about 20 years that's all I've known. But, school starts soon and my littlest companion will 'fly the nest' like his older brother and sisters did.

Some moms cry on their child's first day of school and a few feel relief and others, both.

I try to remember the bird's nests and the lessons that can be learned from the little creatures.

Children are meant to grow. I once heard a man much wiser than me say that a mother's fulfillment starts out very full and as her children grow and become more and more independent from their parents, her sense of being fulfilled by her children decreases. Makes sense. I guess they call that a season...

My hope for our growing and changing children is that as their dependence grows less on my husband and I, that it will increase to their Father in heaven.

And so I let another little birdie jump. And trust the One who says that He clothes the flowers and cares for the birds of the air... Luke 12:24

And hug and an occasional chocolate chip cookie will be waiting when the little growing, changing birdies come back home... and they'll have a chore or 2 and homework...

I guess it's supposed to be that way. So I might cry on the first day of school and I might enjoy a quiet moment too. Either way I will try to focus on the reality that God really is holding our children in the very palm of His hand...

Maybe I'll even find time to sit in my white chair and blog a little more.

Until next time, peace and rest to you.
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