Wednesday, February 2, 2011

rest: defined by Noah, Miriam and Friends


What comes to mind when you think of the word rest?
a tropical vacation,
what you do after a marathon,
sleeping on a great mattress and pillow or maybe
you think being wrapped up
in a thick warm fuzzy blanket
in the evening sitting by a fire.

It is something that we were designed
to need and enjoy
now and then,
and yet most of us have a difficult time 
finding true rest. 

I love my old Webster's Dictionary.
Words can be so... common.
So familiar and still we don't often understand
their full meaning.
Here in my old dictionary I find 
a little bit more input on words
that I have used my whole life. 

rest (rest), n.
peace, ease and refreshment as produced by sleep,
refreshing ease or inactivity after work or exertion,
relief from anything distressing, disturbing, 
annoying, tiring, etc.
peace of mind;
mental and emotional calm;
in music, 
an interval of silence between tones.
to be or seem to be supported,
to rely on or upon, depend,
to remain, stay, abide.
{and interestingly}
a support for the end of a lance
{a sword in medieval times}
found on the breastplate
of armor.

Rest as part of a military regimen?

The book I love
{even more than the dictionary}
has so much to say about rest.
And there's no need for me  to argue with
or challenge it
because the Author of this book
is the oldest and certainly the wisest
of all authors in any bookstore or library
that I have ever been in. 
"My soul finds rest in God alone"  Psalms 62:1
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength"  Isiah 30:15

images from the web
   Come to me all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
{it's a promise}
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
{I don't know about you but knowing that makes Him approachable to me}
and you will find rest for your souls.
{another promise}
For my yoke is easy
and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28~30
I think I'll rest on that.

{ A nest for a rest...}

{Shabby Chic Couture}

This is what rest can look like at our house...

Don't roll over Caleb!
Maggie is resting, too.

A picture 
of child-like trust
that all is well.

All is well.

Thank you for stopping by
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo deborah 

Friday, January 21, 2011

my mini vacations

Just wondering...
Have you gone to France yet?
I go there often
on my personal transportation:

I can take any seat I want.
And I have a full service kitchen
and chef to cook
if I'm hungry for more than peanuts.
{I'm my chef}
I am making the trip again today.
I would love 
for you to come along!
Let me introduce you
to a few favourites.

A very lovely place
to spend a day:

{Grange De Charme}

I could live here.

The first time
that I peeked into the rooms
of this beautiful corner 
of the blogosphere
I was stunned at how 


each photograph was.


You'll even see a little of 
Rachel Ashwell's 
inspiration, too.

The author is also a fan of
{My Shabby Streamside Studio}
An adorable little dreamworld

 Why am I still writing?
I just lost most of you  by posting 
Sandy's link...
What a treat her little studio is.
Come back when you're finished 
with your visit there!

The icing on the cake
for visiting
Grange De Charme
in France
are all the stars
that follow the guests around
as they go on their tour...
so, so extravagant. 

If you've never been there
just take a seat,
grab a drink and a snack
and let me show you around.
It only takes a minute to get there
and you can stay as long as you'd like.

Bon Voyage!

XOXO deborah

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

do you have a dusty shelf dream?

yourself to
an idea.
go make it happen.
work through it.
overcome your fears.
don't forget

this is
your dream.

When you were a little one
{a long time ago for me}
what was it that you


that you would do
when you grew up?

Did you want to fly?

Be a doctor
and help people?

Or maybe you had
an invention idea?

Or maybe it was to
be a mommy?

When you had play time
what adventures did you go on?
I remember thinking I could 


if only I could get to 
the tree tops or 
to the top of the roof...
{thank God I never tried it}

{French Charming~photo credits}

One of my dreams
is to write.
It is so small 
{It's still incubating...}
 I have a few book ideas
and their chapter titles
floating around in my head...

Sometimes it's hard 
to go for dreams.
Discernment is often required.
Some dreams are simply great ideas,
while others are part of our


I am resolving that
is also required
to just

I suppose that's it.

{just start}

And after I've started
keep going until I


   xoxo deborah


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Counting My Blessings

Just thinking...
 so many things 
{in life}
change so quickly.
I am so surprised sometimes
at how fast things change
when I thought
they'd be that way forever...
I was just looking through
some old photographs
and I saw this precious picture 
of our dear Chloe.
She was 5 years old  when she
wore this pink dress on Easter Sunday
and twirled and twirled 
in our back yard.
She loved to chase bunny rabbits.
She would lift her dress 
like a pioneer woman walking through mud
and RUN as fast as she could
to catch a bunny...
Her long red hair would flow behind her
like a veil of warm silk
waving in the wind
that she created.
She was convinced that if she caught 
one of those furry "  snuggle"   creatures
it would LOVE to be her little pet
and live in her pink bedroom
with her... happily ever after.
That didn't happen. 
She and her lovely sister, Anna
even went as far as to
ask a local farmer
at one time if they could buy
a cute little pink pig
to keep in their room.
They even brought along their piggy banks!
The crazy and friendly farmer wasn't helping 
to settle the girls into a place of reality 
when he answered ...YES! 
Yes , you can purchase one for $100!
Can we?  Can we? 
Mom! Pleeeeaaassse?
We have enough...

She never caught her bunny
but she gave her family the gift 
of the memories of 
a beautiful little girl
who believed that she could.
One of the greatest surprises in life
is how fast things change...
Chloe is now much taller than me,
she sings and dances beautifully
in her school's show choir,
she loves to run
but now she runs on a basketball court.
Her long red hair 
still follows after her
leaving behind a trail of kindness and beauty
that only God {by His design}
and Chloe {by her willingness}
can receive credits for.
I learn from my children:
Change is
so  I guess
I'll make it beautiful.

XOXO deborah

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SWeet Christmas MemorieS

40 years ago!

Do you have a favorite
childhood Christmas photo? 

I'm the one with the cheeks
and the big red bow. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

 ...Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.

O Holy Night

 Wishing you love and peace today.

...Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His Gospel is peace...

O Holy Night


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let It Shine

This little light of mine...
I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine,
let it shine,
let it shine,
let it shine...

"God is light.  In Him there is no darkness at all."  1 John 1:5

Is there someone in your world
that needs a little light to see today?

Kind words and actions
are like crystals on a chandelier.
They reflect the source and
multiply it.

Go light your world...
or maybe better,
reflect His light to others.

Me defined.

If someone were to ask you "who are you?"
what would you say?
Would you tell of your education?
Would you tell the person where you are from 
or what family last name you have?
Or maybe you might list accomplishments
and awards such as listed on a resume'.
Do you ever hear "I'm just..."
when someone tells who they are,
as though insignificant?
I know many of us haven't seen the movie
"The Lion King"
but there is a profound line in that 
children's movie...
Whenever I see a tiara
I can't help but
see who God says I am.
Apart from all the labels, titles, and words
that I could use to describe myself, 
whether good or bad,
I see a tiara and know that it is made for a princess.
Not the 'spoiled brat~that gets everything~she wants
 but the one that knows her position 
simply because she knows who her Father is.
A true princess is a daughter of the King.
No arrogance.
No pity.
Just loved.
'May we know Him better...'
 last quote from A Christmas Carol

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