Wednesday, February 2, 2011

rest: defined by Noah, Miriam and Friends


What comes to mind when you think of the word rest?
a tropical vacation,
what you do after a marathon,
sleeping on a great mattress and pillow or maybe
you think being wrapped up
in a thick warm fuzzy blanket
in the evening sitting by a fire.

It is something that we were designed
to need and enjoy
now and then,
and yet most of us have a difficult time 
finding true rest. 

I love my old Webster's Dictionary.
Words can be so... common.
So familiar and still we don't often understand
their full meaning.
Here in my old dictionary I find 
a little bit more input on words
that I have used my whole life. 

rest (rest), n.
peace, ease and refreshment as produced by sleep,
refreshing ease or inactivity after work or exertion,
relief from anything distressing, disturbing, 
annoying, tiring, etc.
peace of mind;
mental and emotional calm;
in music, 
an interval of silence between tones.
to be or seem to be supported,
to rely on or upon, depend,
to remain, stay, abide.
{and interestingly}
a support for the end of a lance
{a sword in medieval times}
found on the breastplate
of armor.

Rest as part of a military regimen?

The book I love
{even more than the dictionary}
has so much to say about rest.
And there's no need for me  to argue with
or challenge it
because the Author of this book
is the oldest and certainly the wisest
of all authors in any bookstore or library
that I have ever been in. 
"My soul finds rest in God alone"  Psalms 62:1
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength"  Isiah 30:15

images from the web
   Come to me all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
{it's a promise}
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
{I don't know about you but knowing that makes Him approachable to me}
and you will find rest for your souls.
{another promise}
For my yoke is easy
and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28~30
I think I'll rest on that.

{ A nest for a rest...}

{Shabby Chic Couture}

This is what rest can look like at our house...

Don't roll over Caleb!
Maggie is resting, too.

A picture 
of child-like trust
that all is well.

All is well.

Thank you for stopping by
Have a wonderful day!
xoxo deborah 


  1. I like your words, and it relaxes me making carpets such as those shown in the picture!

  2. Deborah .. such beautiful, exquisite images that look like they came straight from heaven!
    Have a beautiful Sunday!
    xo M.A. the 2nd

  3. Hi Deborah, thanks for following my blog - I'm now following yours! You asked if I used photo shop... no, I use Picnik - you should try it, it's got SO many options and VERY easy to use.

  4. I'm still post hopping on your blog and enjoying every minute. Love the picture of the baby and puppy sleeping. I've seen the same precious scene at my house many times. Even have a photo like that of my hubby and puppy in the same position. I guess a lot of people like to rest on the floor around here.


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